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A screening tool GQ-ASC (Q-ASC) authored by Tony Attwood, Michelle Garnett, Agnieszka Rynkiewicz (2011-2023).


Publication of GQ-ASC (Q-ASC) in Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders

publikacja q asc min

Simcoe (former Ormond), S., Brownlow, C., Garnett, M. S., Rynkiewicz, A., & Attwood, T. (2018). Profiling autism symptomatology: An exploration of the Q-ASC parental report scale in capturing sex differences in autism. Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 48(2), 389-403

INSAR 2023

Jasmína Aldabaghová, Psychometrické charakteristiky dotazníku GQ-ASC: Pilotní studie, 2022

Julia Cook, University College London (UCL), Department of Clinical, Educational and Health Psychology, April 2022

Julia Cook, Laura Hull, Laura Crane, William Mandy, Clinical Psychology Review 2021

Autism in Adulthood 2020

INSAR 2020

Isabelle Hénault, Valentina Pasin, Tony Attwood, Bruno Wicker, Le profil Asperger au féminin, 2020

Autism Europe Congress, Nice, France 2019

Erinn Nell Barry, Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada 2019

Journal of Polish Psychiatry 2018

Journal of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology 2017

IMFAR (INSAR) San Francisco, USA 2017

ASC-Inclusion and GQ-ASC (Q-ASC), Warsaw, Poland 2014

Autism Europe Congress, Budapest, Hungary 2013

Nowiny24.pl, Rzeszow, Poland, 2013 

Psykologisk Ressource Center, Girls and women on the autism spectrum, Copenhagen, Denmark 2013


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